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Sunday, February 27, 2011

10 questions @ Gareth Bright

I asked Gareth 10 questions...
and this is what he had to say:

1:   What does Photography mean to you?
Photography for me is a platform to shake people from indifference; I believe the strength of photography lies in its ability to invoke a sense of humanity. It’s a form of expression that can provoke change and has. The notion of this seems way out of proportion to the ongoing chaos and turmoil in our world, but it’s this exact notion that keeps driving me and always will. Photography to me is hope for change, or cause for change frozen in moments of time.

2:  What genre of Photography are you passionate about? 
 Documentary, Humanitarian and (despite my hate for the word and lack of a better one) Photojournalism.

3. What aspects of Photography do you love?
It’s ability to communicate, inform and inspire.  

4. What aspects of Photography do you find challenging?
Well in terms of my work it’s when to shoot and when to help, and of course in an ever competitive modern world where everyone has a DSLR or some camera my biggest challenge is to stay ahead of the “pack” and keep up to date and fresh with new ideas.


5. Where do you find inspiration? 
 I find a lot of inspiration in the people I work with and the people I photograph. I once read that some people are born to suffer and that you and I will never understand that suffering or the place it comes from, but from the same place comes honesty, integrity, love and pride_ you and I won’t understand either. This statement is perfectly in tune with the people I have photographed and that inspires me, they inspire me to keep fighting for them when they are so often forgotten. I am inspired by silence and contemplation while paging through some of my favorite photographers books and or images. I also find piles of inspiration in revolutionaries (Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, and Gandhi etc) and their ideals, in this sense I try use the inspiration I draw from them in the way I work with my subjects –compassion and patience and BELIEF in change.

6. If you could share one thing with others who are also interested in Photography what would it be?
TAKE PICTURES OF EVERYTHING-never think you have learnt or know enough_ you haven’t, you never can. Have fun, be passionate and persevere it’s always worth it.

7. Name Photographers that have influenced you.
Philip Blenkinsop, James Nacthwey, Sebastiao Salgado , Ed Kashi, Robert Capa,  The Bang Bang Club, Jugen Shadeburg, Alf Khumalo, Gary Knight, All the photographers at NOOR agency

8. List  3 words that describe your experience as a student.
Passionate, Impatient (this is not a typo) and Hungry

9. List 3 words that describe how it feels to be engaging outside DUT.
Inspiring, Humble and Stressful

10. What advice would you give students who are embarking on studying to become professional Photographers?
Choose your field whatever it may be, but concentrate on being diverse. Work HARD, take criticism to heart because despite the heartache you will find you learn faster. Believe in yourself, always, at all times and never listen to anyone (and there will be many) that tells you PHOTOGRAPHY is a dead end career.

meet... Gareth Bright

Gareth Bright is a full time freelance photographer> this he says is due to personal ideals and conflicting ideals and hates been called a PHOTOJOURNALIST
GB is originally from Durban but travels all over the world documenting 'life' with his Leica. When Gareth had the small opportunity to speak to students on the 22nd February_ I asked him over lunch if he would become my blogPAL so that we could keep conversations going through blogging, which would also provide a platform for everybody else to be a part of the conversations and ask Gareth any questions relating to the post.  I am very excited by communicating with Gareth and having him share his experiences with us... 

Here are some exerts from our email conversations: 

LIZA: " Very nice to see you again and hear what you are up to_  in the short time that you spoke_ you had such inspiring contributions to make to conversations on what photography can do, what photography can change and what it represents to individuals, like you, who are driven by a wonderful ethos/passion to do good in this world."

GARETH: Wow, its always great to have a platform to talk especially on what i believe is such an important part of making a difference and such an important part of my life so thank you!!

LIZA: Oooh I must contextualize all this persistence and excitement a little: all this_ conversations on communication, sharing, networking and blogging is part of my Masters area of study but MORE IMPORTANTLY part of my teaching philosophy to connect students with others through their love of photography so that they can be inspired by these encounters. This I believe will boost their photography and give them a sense of confidence to express themselves_ which for me is so important.  I feel that your inclusion will not only enrich the blog but also support how in this wired world we get to converse and reach beyond our own boundaries and be inspired by the connections we make with people across the world...

 GARETH: Here is the the links to my blog, my vii visionaries and a YouTube video I made. Its a new Blog I started last year after a bit of a melt down and I do update when ever I find the time to sit down listen to some music and write. Once again, if there is any other ways other than the penpal etc I can help you, when I am around I am always willing to lend a hand. Thanks for lunch and for your enthusiasm.

---> Blog: 

---> The multimedia I did, its terrible but I made on a emotional roller-coaster of a day when I just felt like I had to do as much as I could to help these people.