tree resin, blood and india ink The trained artist could draw a head or a hand from a dozen
perspectives. The photographer discovered that the gestures of a hand
were infinitely various.

He calls this series: Anti hipstamatic - real prints, actual effects, tangible. Here's a preview and some 'blurb' from our chat.
and this is my most recent work
me: cooool G... I will looksee...
Those are beautiful_ tell me more about the process_students must see this...
Gareth: Its tree resin, blood, and india ink, the images are burnt or stained... me: Dan Aldon journal inspired? Gareth: dan eldon, peter beard, philip blenkinsop
photographs that exist in a real place that have been worked on and had
a story added before becoming virtual are just way better
Gareth: well for example - you take a picture with your iphone, chuck the image in your hipstamatic and upload it_ it looks like it came from a polaroid except everyone looks the same.
me: these images are about pixels and humaness...the human qualities_ the blood etc give the blankness of the pixels texture and make it visceral (instinctive/emotional)
no art
me: it does it for you?
Gareth: and HIPSTAMATIC me: I don't understand I am Googling Hipstamatic as we speak. Gareth: i like things i can touch and feel or at least I know exist in a place where I could touch and feel them...
as in photographs
drawings etc me: I want an iPhone (and then I told him about my BB#7 saga) :'(
Gareth: hahaha