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Thursday, December 1, 2011

borrowed pixels 1-5

maps of the real

"Through being photographed something becomes part of a system of infomation. 
Maps of the real".
Susan Sontag says this in her book "on Photography" on page 156

To start off this project I have randomly chosen a few profile pics from the students I interact with that raise an element of curiosity in me. I wanted to know a little more about the stories behind the images, so I also asked the students to answer the 7 questions below:
1. Who took the image?
2. Is there a story behind the image?
3. Do you have a Google profile (have you filled one in)?
4. Why did you choose this to be your profile pic?
5. What does it say about you?
6. How often do you change the profile pic?
7. Can I make your Google profile public on my blog?

I am going to post the pixel rendition first and then the stories and in another post I will 'make' my pixel profiles using "ghost_blue" (see above) as a canvas.

Read more --->
outline to pixel profiles
inspiration to pixel profiles

Here are some questions (for now) I feel I ask with this project, but first the unpacking of some terminologies.

connote: implied or suggested (an idea or feeling) in addition to the literal meaning.
denote: to be a sign of_ the literal and primal meaning.
literal: strict, factual, plain, simple, exact, straightforward; unembellished, undistorted; objective, correct, true, accurate, genuine, authentic.
  1. Do you think we get to know a little more about each other through these pics?
  2. What dialogues are created by seeing both images and knowing a little more about them? 
  3. Conversations on the denotations and connotations of profile images. 
  4. Which is the connotation: The one that is enlarged and abstract? 
  5. Which is the the denotation: The small compressed gif?
  6. Are profiles really random snapshots?
  7. Is there a particular style or aesthetic associated with profile pics?

borrowed pixels_ 1-5






Josh Reid

Netty Wilson

Nicole Meiring
Gee Gumede

Bwalya Lungu

Here some Wikipedia facts about a gif.
  • acronym/short for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) 
  • was introduced by CompuServe in 1987 
  • used widely on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability
  • a single image may only reference a palette of up to 256 distinct colors
  • color limitation makes the GIF format unsuitable for reproducing color photographs
  • but supports animations, is well-suited for simpler images: like  graphics and logos with solid areas of color.

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