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Sunday, May 8, 2011

inspiration to ... The Authentic Saga

The Authentic Saga a self initiated collaborative project conceptualized by Dena Churchman sometime in 2010.

"No-one starts a deed/action, or rather, no-one in his sense ought to do so- without first being clear in his mind, what he/she wants to achieve by that deed/action and how he intends to conduct it."  
Inspiration Outline
Dena Churchman (DC) devised a set of 10 ?'s inspired by a project by Photographer Yann Arthus Betrand [YAB]  called "6 Billion Others".

GET A BETTER GRASP of DC's  PROJECT by clicking on "buka lapha" links and video below to gain insight into YAB's  project.

 6 Billion Others? 
exerts from website click above on buka lapha 1 to view website

There are more than six billion of us on Earth

Time of screenshot 6:01pm on the 8th May 2011

Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s [YAB]  idea for 6 Billion Others, was born in 2003 from the simple desire to make contact with other people. When his helicopter broke down  in Mali he spent a whole day talking to the villager. He says "I dreamt of understanding their words, of feeling what linked us. Because, from up there, the Earth looks like an immense area to be shared". YAB believes that in order to learn to live together, it is first necessary to get to know each other. To take the first step is to ask questions, to listen, and to become a part of someone else’s story. By bringing together experiences on film from across the world, he hoped to display on a single site that 'speaks' of the diversity of mankind, and enables people to experience the universal nature of humanity as one listens to personal feelings on universal questions and this in turn create dialogue with each other. The ?'s  begin with the things that affect the lives of all of us: family, love, happiness, but also the things that divide us: war, certain values or beliefs.

Some commonalities that provided the outline filming were:
• A common questionnaire to begin with. Forty or so questions.
A common framework. Each face was filmed in an identical manner: centred, vertical full frontal shots, to the camera.  YAB was  looking for frank and direct relationships, and placed an emphasis on the closeness of the face so that ones relationship is a direct one.
A common approach. The equipment chosen is also relevant to the projects desire for intimacy and the personal. A light camera, a stand, two wired microphones: each reporter can manage the sound, image and conducting of the interview on his /her own. Trust is established during the exchange and is the key to sincerity.
A story is written.  Each film has the richness of a dialogue: Each person responds and reacts through his or her personal story around a common theme, with the replies echoing and at other points colliding with each other. The meetings provoke and touch us, encouraging us in turn to question ourselves, for other people are just so many individuals similar to ourselves, who at the same time can enrich us through their differences, and through the reflections and perspectives they present to us.
 Video exert below has been edited from
see original by clicking buka lapha 2 

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