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Friday, March 4, 2011

Gareth packing: off to Rwanda

11:54 AM me:  Hey Gareth_ How are you?
 Gareth: Well and you, just busy nailing loose ends before I leave for my Rwanda trip on Wednesday. Read Gareth's recent blog post on packing for Rwanda, click title 'Gareth packing: off to Rwanda'.
11:55 AM me: Any idea what your assignment is?

12:01 PM
Gareth: Yeah, actually for a change in the loop on what I am doing. I am working with Operation Smiles a organisation that is fixing and repairing children with Cleft palates and or any other facial defects from birth or inflicted: ie burns or facial trauma. 
My assignment  is to specifically shoot portraits: kind of before and afters, as well as the surgery and all the 'pre and post op' going ons.  I will also be shooting a story of a little boy from the North of Rwanda who has already started his journey to Kigali the Capital.  I will shoot a Photo essay for the Organisation putting into perspective the lengths some of these people go to to be helped.
12:02 PM me: Have you been in touch with this little boy and his family before you shoot?
12:03 PM Gareth: Not personally, but the Team has, and are currently up there at the moment hoping to meet up with him in a few days.
 me: Where will you stay?
12:05 PM Gareth: I will be staying in the Hotel provided, but probably given the hours end up sleeping in the clinics and hospitals, not wanting to miss out any important happenings.
 me: Do you photograph this alone
12:07 PM Gareth: Yes, preferably I shoot alone anyway...unless of course in a media frenzy zone where it cannot be avoided. That's why I like taking assignments like gives me freedom of movement
me: What do you pack?
12:10 PM Gareth: Well because I still shoot a lot of film (a lot more than most Photographers these days), my leica and another film SLR, a couple lenses, a lot of film, some bulk roll, developing tanks and chemicals. My Laptop and as few clothes as possible...because my camera gear weigh so much I like to travel with about 12 -14 kgs of stuff in total- just in case< and you NEVER KNOW, something happens and I have to be able to move with all my gear on my back!
12:12 PM me: Do you take anything from home_ like a momento?
12:15 PM Gareth: OH YES, I have this scarf, I bought in India maybe five years ago, and its been all over the world and on every assignment with me! Its a joke amongst colleagues and friends that I think its bullet proof because of the the way a I cling to it, but to a certain degree although its not bullet proof it certainly does provide me with a physcological comfort.
12:16 PM me: How do you feel about going?
12:18 PM Gareth: Excited as always, I have never been to Rwanda before, and obviously with its violent but very interesting history I am very excited to see how the people and country have recovered from the the terrible events of 1994.
12:19 PM me: Do you ever think to take images for yourself? Can you behave like a typical tourist at times?
12:21 PM Gareth: Oh always, I often find it"s where some of my best stand alone images have come from, wandering the streets interacting with locals on the same level rather than as a "reporter'. I am also at fault of self timing cheesy images of myself doing typical tourist poses in foreign countries.
12:23 PM me: You are so passionate about Photography. I am going to ask you a strange question.  What would you do if you didn't have a camera?
12:26 PM Gareth: Probably would be involved in some form of humanitarian work. I think I am more passionate about people and helping than I am about photographing them, but still very passionate about photography and the idea of not having a camera scares me about as much as not having food.
 me: I know you have read the comments by the students on seeing your images and reading your responses to the 10?'s. Tell how you felt?
12:29 PM Gareth: It was tremendously humbling, some days its really really tough to keep going...especially during the preparation phases of trips where I am with stuck piles of paper, briefings, flight shedules and plans itinerary etc...And the day I read those comments I was having one of those days, and to hear the word INSPIRED, made it all worth it, even if it was a few comments. I guess thats all I really am to do, inform and inspire because ultimately that leads to change. So I am very very humbled and in awe of some of the comments... So big thanks to them.
12:30 PM me: ThanX for the chat_ I will keep in touch and hope all your preparations go off well. I also hope we can chat before you go? Take Care :•] (clown face)

Gareth: YES, of course, and amazingly Rwanda has great internet. So I can in down time keep in touch from there. Thank you for the chat.                                                                                

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