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Saturday, April 23, 2011

meet...Fabian Pflaum

Image:Liza 2010
Fabian Pflaum (FP) currently lives and works in Hamburg, Germany.
 FP completed his 4th year, here @ the Photography Department in 2010. 
Amoungst other projects, Fabian was involved in the photographic documentation of the re-roofing of City Campus. His images now form a valuable historical account of this DUT project_  
I will make another blog entry on this.
(click below to links on FP from osmosisBLOG)
I have been communicating with FP with images. 
We don't talk or verbally explain ourselves. 
I usually email him an image via my Blackberry and he responds to it, attempting to duplicate it from his context. Over the past few months we have had many interesting 'visual' dialogues that make commentaries on the *juxtaposition of our personal lives.

*  Juxtaposition means placing things side-by-side. In art this usually is done with the intention of bringing out a specific quality or creating an effect, particularly when two contrasting or opposing elements are used. The viewer's attention is drawn to the similarities or differences between the elements_

I would like to share these with you but before I introduce that project_
Mich Ihnen Zu Antworte (me answering you_ translated by Google translate),
I would like to introduce you to some of Fabian's views on Photography.

I asked Fabian 10 questions...  
and this is what he had to say (unedited):

1:   What does Photography mean to you?
Greed for aesthetics and the peace of viewing.

2:  What genre of Photography are you passionate about? 
 > Social Documentary: I like the stories our world offers. They have to be told. 
> Landscapes: It gives me peace and let's me be what I am. Time is soft on it!

Portraiture: I like to take portraits specially of people I know. It always brings out a new angle of a person.

3. What aspects of Photography do you love?
It fascinates me to reduce visual information into one 2-D still. But for me photography is a lot about the aesthetics: A photo is
frozen everydays aesthetics with a lot of information on several layers. My first approach is always an aesthetic one and then I read or try to read all the information it transports. I attached two pictures I found in a german online news magazine ( as an example - it might be easier for you to understand what I mean. These pictures are so beautiful and intense - I love them!

4. What aspects of Photography do you find challenging?
For me it is challenging to deal with my own expectations and often, to fall short on them.

5. Where do you find inspiration?
In the motive.

6. If you could share one thing with others who are also interested in Photography what would it be?
Maybe my favorite picture. At the moment. This record cover:

7. Name Photographers that have influenced you.
Uli Prechsl; Xavier

8. List  3 words that describe your experience as a student.
Interculturality, Friendship, Patience

9. List 3 words that describe how it feels to be engaging outside DUT.

10. What advice would you give students who are embarking on studying to become professional Photographers?
Go out and shoot! Build your own opinion, don't listen too much to others and do not try to copy your role models style! Travel, see places and meet people and take your camera with you.

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